Start tracking at least one behavior in one area of your life you'd like to change and improve.
- 👉Today's ATTITUDE gives me Possibilities and a difference-maker. I will choose and display the right attitudes. (Where is it most difficult for you to keep a positive attitude? What is one step you could take to improve your attitude?
- 👉Today's PRIORITIES gives me Focus. I will determine and act on important priorities. I will live my life according to my priorities. (What are your top three most important priorities? Do you stick to them?
- 👉Today's HEALTH gives me Strength. I will know and follow healthy guidelines. (Rate your diet, your exercise, and your rest. Are you healthy?
- 👉Today's FAMILY gives me Stability. I will communicate with and care for my family. (How do you demonstrate that your family is a top priority?
- 👉Today's THINKING gives me an Advantage. I will practice and develop good thinking. I will think on things that will add value to myself and others. (Do you have a place and time to simply sit and think? Where and when do you do your best thinking?
- 👉Today's COMMITMENT gives me Tenacity. I will make and keep proper commitments. (What are the top three commitments of your life? How could you deepen your commitment in those areas?
- 👉Today's FINANCES gives me Options. I will earn and properly manage finances. (How does your spending reveal what's in your heart? What changes should you make in where your money goes?
- 👉Today's FAITH gives me Divine perspective, strength, resilience and peace. I will deepen and live out my faith. (As a leader, do I model strong faith? How can I grow in my faith?
- 👉Today's RELATIONSHIPS gives me Fulfilment. I will initiate and invest in solid relationships. (Do I experience healthy, close relationships? Or do I isolate myself and withdraw from them as a leader?
- 👉Today's GENEROSITY gives me Significance. I will plan for and model generosity. (Do others see me as a generous person? How can I increase my generosity?
- 👉Today's VALUES gives me Direction. I will embrace and practice good values. (What are your personal core values? Your family's, Your organization's ?
- 🤜Today's GROWTH gives me Potential. I will seek and experience improvement continuously. (In which of these areas of assessment are you growing? Which ones are weak? What is one step you could take to grow in each of these potential areas?
- 💥 My CAREER / MINISTRY (Purpose-driven Life) gives me financial income and fulfilment in life. I will develop skills and high competence in a chosen discipline i.e. knowledge, skill and desire. (Are you pursuing your career goals? Is your chosen career in tune with your ministry for a life of fulfilment.
- 💥 RESILIENCE (Emotional Intelligence) gives me reboot and restoration. Develop a resilient Spirit. (How resilient are you? Are you able to deal with difficult situations and bounce back when things don't go as planned? Do you stay the course?